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Zeta SDK CrossClient Full Documentation

Initialization and Setup

Load and Initialize CrossClient

connection: Connection,
wallet: Wallet,
opts?: ConfirmOptions,
callback?: Function,
throttle?: boolean,
delegator?: PublicKey,
useVersionedTxs?: boolean,
txRetryAmount?: number,
subaccountIndex?: number):

Creates and initializes a new instance of the CrossClient.


The CrossClient.load() method initializes a new CrossClient instance, which provides functionality for managing cross-margin accounts, placing and canceling orders, handling deposits and withdrawals, and more in the Zeta Markets protocol.


  • connection

    • (Connection) Required.
    • Solana connection object.
  • wallet

    • (Wallet) Required.
    • Wallet interface for signing transactions.
  • opts

    • (ConfirmOptions) Optional.
    • Confirmation options for transactions.
    • Default: undefined
  • callback

    • (Function) Optional.
    • Function to handle events.
    • Default: undefined
  • throttle

    • (boolean) Optional.
    • Whether to throttle updates.
    • Default: false
  • delegator

    • (PublicKey) Optional.
    • Public key of the delegator.
    • Default: undefined
  • useVersionedTxs

    • (boolean) Optional.
    • Whether to use versioned transactions.
    • Default: false
  • txRetryAmount

    • (number) Optional.
    • Number of times to retry a failed transaction.
    • Default: undefined
  • subaccountIndex

    • (number) Optional.
    • Index of the subaccount.
    • Default: 0


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to a new CrossClient instance.


import { Connection } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { CrossClient, Wallet } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const connection = new Connection('');
const wallet = new Wallet(/* ... */);
const crossClient = await CrossClient.load(connection, wallet);

Account Management

Initialize Accounts

initializeAccounts(referrerId?: string): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Initializes the CrossMarginAccount and CrossMarginAccountManager.


The initializeAccounts() method creates the necessary accounts for trading on the Zeta Markets protocol. It initializes both the CrossMarginAccount and CrossMarginAccountManager if they don’t already exist.


  • referrerId
    • (string) Optional.
    • Referrer ID for account initialization.
    • Default: undefined


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.initializeAccounts("REFERRER_ID");
console.log("Accounts initialized. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Deposit Funds

deposit(amount: number, referrerId?: string): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Deposits funds into the cross-margin account.


The deposit() method allows you to add funds to your cross-margin account. If the account doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.


  • amount

    • (number) Required.
    • Amount to deposit (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • referrerId

    • (string) Optional.
    • Referrer ID for new accounts.
    • Default: undefined


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const amountToDeposit = 1000000; // 1 USDC
const txSignature = await crossClient.deposit(amountToDeposit);
console.log("Deposit successful. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Withdraw Funds

withdraw(amount: number): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Withdraws funds from the cross-margin account.


The withdraw() method allows you to remove funds from your cross-margin account.


  • amount
    • (number) Required.
    • Amount to withdraw (in native units, 6 decimal places).


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const amountToWithdraw = 500000; // 0.5 USDC
const txSignature = await crossClient.withdraw(amountToWithdraw);
console.log("Withdrawal successful. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Close Account

closeAccount(): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Closes the CrossClient’s account.


The closeAccount() method closes the CrossMarginAccount associated with the CrossClient instance.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.closeAccount();
console.log("Account closed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Close Account Manager

closeAccountManager(): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Closes the CrossClient’s account manager.


The closeAccountManager() method closes the CrossMarginAccountManager associated with the CrossClient instance.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.closeAccountManager();
console.log("Account manager closed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Close Account and Manager

closeAccountAndManager(): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Closes both the CrossMarginAccount and CrossMarginAccountManager in one transaction.


The closeAccountAndManager() method closes both the CrossMarginAccount and CrossMarginAccountManager associated with the CrossClient instance in a single transaction.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.closeAccountAndManager();
console.log("Account and manager closed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Withdraw and Close Account

withdrawAndCloseAccount(): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Withdraws the entirety of the CrossClient’s margin account and then closes it.


The withdrawAndCloseAccount() method withdraws all funds from the CrossMarginAccount and then closes it. This is useful for closing a single subaccount.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.withdrawAndCloseAccount();
console.log("Funds withdrawn and account closed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Withdraw, Close Account, and Close Manager

withdrawAndCloseAccountAndCloseManager(): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Withdraws all funds, closes the margin account, and closes the account manager.


The withdrawAndCloseAccountAndCloseManager() method withdraws all funds from the CrossMarginAccount, closes it, and then closes the CrossMarginAccountManager. This is useful for completely closing out all accounts associated with the CrossClient.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.withdrawAndCloseAccountAndCloseManager();
console.log("Funds withdrawn, account and manager closed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Order Placement and Management

Place Order

placeOrder(asset: Asset, price: number, size: number, side: types.Side, options?: types.OrderOptions, preIxs?: TransactionInstruction[]): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Places an order on a Zeta perp market.


The placeOrder() method allows you to place an order on a specific asset’s perpetual market.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset to trade.
  • price

    • (number) Required.
    • Order price (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • size

    • (number) Required.
    • Order size (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • Order side (BID or ASK).
  • options

    • (types.OrderOptions) Optional.
    • Order options.
    • Default: types.defaultOrderOptions()
  • preIxs

    • (TransactionInstruction[]) Optional.
    • Additional instructions to include before the order placement.
    • Default: []


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.placeOrder(
20000000, // $20 price
1000, // 1 SOL size
console.log("Order placed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Place Timestamp Trigger Order

placeTimestampTriggerOrder(asset: Asset, orderPrice: number, triggerTime: anchor.BN, size: number, side: types.Side, orderType: types.OrderType, options?: types.TriggerOrderOptions): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Places a trigger order that will execute at a specific timestamp.


The placeTimestampTriggerOrder() method allows you to place a trigger order that will be executed when a specific timestamp is reached.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset to trade.
  • orderPrice

    • (number) Required.
    • Order price (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • triggerTime

    • (anchor.BN) Required.
    • Unix timestamp for order execution.
  • size

    • (number) Required.
    • Order size (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • Order side (BID or ASK).
  • orderType

    • (types.OrderType) Required.
    • Type of order to place.
  • options

    • (types.TriggerOrderOptions) Optional.
    • Trigger order options.
    • Default: types.defaultTriggerOrderOptions()


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const triggerTime = new BN(Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600); // 1 hour from now
const txSignature = await crossClient.placeTimestampTriggerOrder(
20000000, // $20 price
1000, // 1 SOL size
console.log("Timestamp trigger order placed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Place Price Trigger Order

placePriceTriggerOrder(asset: Asset, orderPrice: number, triggerPrice: number, size: number, side: types.Side, orderType: types.OrderType, options?: types.TriggerOrderOptions, triggerDirection?: types.TriggerDirection): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Places a trigger order that will execute when the mark price reaches a specific level.


The placePriceTriggerOrder() method allows you to place a trigger order that will be executed when the mark price of the asset reaches a specified trigger price.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset to trade.
  • orderPrice

    • (number) Required.
    • Order price (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • triggerPrice

    • (number) Required.
    • Price at which to trigger the order (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • size

    • (number) Required.
    • Order size (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • Order side (BID or ASK).
  • orderType

    • (types.OrderType) Required.
    • Type of order to place.
  • options

    • (types.TriggerOrderOptions) Optional.
    • Trigger order options.
    • Default: types.defaultTriggerOrderOptions()
  • triggerDirection

    • (types.TriggerDirection) Optional.
    • Direction for price trigger.
    • Default: types.getDefaultTriggerDirection(side)


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.placePriceTriggerOrder(
20000000, // $20 order price
19000000, // $19 trigger price
1000, // 1 SOL size
console.log("Price trigger order placed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Cancel Order

cancelOrder(asset: Asset, orderId: BN, side: types.Side): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Cancels a specific order by order ID.


The cancelOrder() method allows you to cancel an existing order on a specific asset’s market.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset of the order to cancel.
  • orderId

    • (BN) Required.
    • Order ID to cancel.
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • Side of the order (BID or ASK).


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const txSignature = await crossClient.cancelOrder(
new BN("123456"), // Order ID
console.log("Order cancelled. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Cancel Order by Client Order ID

cancelOrderByClientOrderId(asset: Asset, clientOrderId: number): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Cancels an order by client order ID.


The cancelOrderByClientOrderId() method allows you to cancel an existing order using the client-specified order ID.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset of the order to cancel.
  • clientOrderId

    • (number) Required.
    • Client order ID to cancel.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.cancelOrderByClientOrderId(
12345 // Client Order ID
console.log("Order cancelled by client order ID. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Cancel and Place Order

cancelAndPlaceOrder(asset: Asset, orderId: BN, cancelSide: types.Side, newOrderPrice: number, newOrderSize: number, newOrderSide: types.Side, options?: types.OrderOptions): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Cancels an existing order and places a new order atomically.


The cancelAndPlaceOrder() method allows you to cancel an existing order and place a new order in a single atomic transaction. This is useful for quickly adjusting your position in the market.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset to trade.
  • orderId

    • (BN) Required.
    • Order ID of the order to cancel.
  • cancelSide

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • Side of the order to cancel (BID or ASK).
  • newOrderPrice

    • (number) Required.
    • Price of the new order (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • newOrderSize

    • (number) Required.
    • Size of the new order (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • newOrderSide

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • Side of the new order (BID or ASK).
  • options

    • (types.OrderOptions) Optional.
    • Options for the new order.
    • Default: types.defaultOrderOptions()


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const txSignature = await crossClient.cancelAndPlaceOrder(
new BN("123456"), // Order ID to cancel
types.Side.BID, // Side of the order to cancel
21000000, // New order price ($21)
1000, // New order size (1 SOL)
types.Side.BID // New order side
console.log("Order cancelled and new order placed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Cancel All Orders

cancelAllOrders(asset?: Asset): Promise<TransactionSignature[]>

Cancels all active orders for a specific asset or all assets.


The cancelAllOrders() method allows you to cancel all active orders for a specific asset. If no asset is specified, it cancels orders for all assets.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Optional.
    • Asset to cancel orders for. If undefined, cancels for all assets.
    • Default: undefined


  • (Promise<TransactionSignature[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
// Cancel all SOL orders
const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelAllOrders(Asset.SOL);
console.log("All SOL orders cancelled. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);
// Cancel all orders for all assets
// const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelAllOrders();

Cancel All Orders No Error

cancelAllOrdersNoError(asset?: Asset): Promise<TransactionSignature[]>

Cancels all active orders for a specific asset or all assets, ignoring errors.


The cancelAllOrdersNoError() method is similar to cancelAllOrders(), but it continues to process cancellations even if some orders fail to cancel. This can be useful in situations where you want to ensure as many orders as possible are cancelled, even if some cancellations fail.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Optional.
    • Asset to cancel orders for. If undefined, cancels for all assets.
    • Default: undefined


  • (Promise<TransactionSignature[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelAllOrdersNoError();
console.log("All orders cancelled (ignoring errors). Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Cancel Trigger Order

cancelTriggerOrder(orderIndex: number): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Cancels a specific trigger order.


The cancelTriggerOrder() method allows you to cancel a specific trigger order by its index.


  • orderIndex
    • (number) Required.
    • Index of the trigger order to cancel.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.cancelTriggerOrder(0);
console.log("Trigger order cancelled. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Cancel All Trigger Orders

cancelAllTriggerOrders(asset?: Asset): Promise<string[]>

Cancels all trigger orders for a specific asset or all assets.


The cancelAllTriggerOrders() method allows you to cancel all trigger orders for a specific asset. If no asset is specified, it cancels trigger orders for all assets.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Optional.
    • Asset to cancel trigger orders for. If undefined, cancels for all assets.
    • Default: undefined


  • (Promise<string[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelAllTriggerOrders(Asset.SOL);
console.log("All SOL trigger orders cancelled. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);
// To cancel all trigger orders for all assets:
// const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelAllTriggerOrders();

Cancel All Trigger Orders and Place Order

cancelAllTriggerOrdersAndPlaceOrder(asset: Asset, price: number, size: number, side: types.Side, options?: types.OrderOptions): Promise<string[]>

Cancels all trigger orders for a specific asset and places a new order.


The cancelAllTriggerOrdersAndPlaceOrder() method cancels all trigger orders for a specific asset and then places a new order. This is useful for quickly adjusting your strategy in changing market conditions.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset to trade and cancel trigger orders for.
  • price

    • (number) Required.
    • Price of the new order (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • size

    • (number) Required.
    • Size of the new order (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • Side of the new order (BID or ASK).
  • options

    • (types.OrderOptions) Optional.
    • Options for the new order.
    • Default: types.defaultOrderOptions()


  • (Promise<string[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelAllTriggerOrdersAndPlaceOrder(
20000000, // $20 price
1000, // 1 SOL size
console.log("All trigger orders cancelled and new order placed. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Position Management


liquidate(asset: Asset, liquidatedMarginAccount: PublicKey, size: number): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Liquidates a position in another user’s account.


The liquidate() method allows you to liquidate a position in another user’s account. This function is typically used by liquidators to manage risk in the system.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • Asset to liquidate.
  • liquidatedMarginAccount

    • (PublicKey) Required.
    • Public key of the account to liquidate.
  • size

    • (number) Required.
    • Size of the position to liquidate (in native units, 3 decimal places).


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
const liquidatedAccountPubkey = new PublicKey("..."); // Public key of the account to liquidate
const txSignature = await crossClient.liquidate(Asset.SOL, liquidatedAccountPubkey, 1000); // Liquidate 1 SOL
console.log("Position liquidated. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Close All Positions

closeAllPositions(orderPrices: Map<Asset, number>): Promise<string[]>

Closes all open positions using market orders.


The closeAllPositions() method allows you to close all open positions for all assets using market orders. You need to provide the current market prices for each asset.


  • orderPrices
    • (Map<Asset, number>) Required.
    • Map of assets to their respective market prices for closing.


  • (Promise<string[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const orderPrices = new Map<Asset, number>([
[Asset.SOL, 20000000], // $20 for SOL
[Asset.BTC, 30000000000] // $30,000 for BTC
const txSignatures = await crossClient.closeAllPositions(orderPrices);
console.log("All positions closed. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Account Information and State

Get Account State

getAccountState(): types.CrossMarginAccountState

Retrieves the current state of the cross-margin account.


The getAccountState() method returns the current state of the cross-margin account, including balance, equity, available balance, and risk metrics.


  • (types.CrossMarginAccountState) The current state of the cross-margin account.


const accountState = crossClient.getAccountState();
console.log("Account State:", accountState);

Update State

updateState(fetch?: boolean, force?: boolean): Promise<number>

Updates the client’s state with the latest information from the blockchain.


The updateState() method updates the client’s local state with the latest information from the blockchain. This includes account balances, positions, orders, and other relevant data.


  • fetch

    • (boolean) Optional.
    • Whether to fetch new data from the blockchain.
    • Default: true
  • force

    • (boolean) Optional.
    • Whether to force an update even if one is in progress.
    • Default: false


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the fetch slot number.


const fetchSlot = await crossClient.updateState();
console.log("State updated. Fetch slot:", fetchSlot);

Get Trigger Order

getTriggerOrder(triggerOrderBit: number): types.TriggerOrder

Retrieves a specific trigger order by its bit.


The getTriggerOrder() method returns the details of a specific trigger order identified by its trigger order bit.


  • triggerOrderBit
    • (number) Required.
    • The bit identifying the trigger order.


  • (types.TriggerOrder) The trigger order details.


const triggerOrder = crossClient.getTriggerOrder(0);
console.log("Trigger Order:", triggerOrder);

Get Trigger Orders

getTriggerOrders(asset: Asset): types.TriggerOrder[]

Retrieves all trigger orders for a specific asset.


The getTriggerOrders() method returns an array of all trigger orders for the specified asset.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset to get trigger orders for.


  • (types.TriggerOrder[]) An array of trigger orders for the specified asset.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const triggerOrders = crossClient.getTriggerOrders(Asset.SOL);
console.log("SOL Trigger Orders:", triggerOrders);

Get Orders

getOrders(asset: Asset): types.Order[]

Retrieves all active orders for a specific asset.


The getOrders() method returns an array of all active orders for the specified asset.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset to get orders for.


  • (types.Order[]) An array of active orders for the specified asset.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const orders = crossClient.getOrders(Asset.SOL);
console.log("SOL Orders:", orders);

Get Positions

getPositions(asset: Asset): types.Position[]

Retrieves all positions for a specific asset.


The getPositions() method returns an array of all positions for the specified asset.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset to get positions for.


  • (types.Position[]) An array of positions for the specified asset.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const positions = crossClient.getPositions(Asset.SOL);
console.log("SOL Positions:", positions);

Open Orders Management

Initialize Open Orders Account

initializeOpenOrdersAccount(asset: Asset): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Initializes a user open orders account for a given market.


The initializeOpenOrdersAccount() method creates an open orders account for the specified asset. This is typically handled automatically when placing an order, but can be used to initialize the account independently.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset for which to initialize the open orders account.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.initializeOpenOrdersAccount(Asset.SOL);
console.log("Open orders account initialized. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Close Open Orders Account

closeOpenOrdersAccount(asset: Asset): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Closes a user open orders account for a given market.


The closeOpenOrdersAccount() method closes the open orders account for the specified asset. This can only be done if there are no active orders for the asset.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset for which to close the open orders account.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.closeOpenOrdersAccount(Asset.SOL);
console.log("Open orders account closed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Close Multiple Open Orders Accounts

closeMultipleOpenOrdersAccount(assets: Asset[]): Promise<TransactionSignature[]>

Closes multiple user open orders accounts for a given set of markets.


The closeMultipleOpenOrdersAccount() method closes the open orders accounts for multiple specified assets in a single transaction. This can only be done if there are no active orders for any of the assets.


  • assets
    • (Asset[]) Required.
    • An array of assets for which to close the open orders accounts.


  • (Promise<TransactionSignature[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignatures = await crossClient.closeMultipleOpenOrdersAccount([Asset.SOL, Asset.BTC]);
console.log("Multiple open orders accounts closed. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Force Operations (Admin/Liquidator Functions)

Force Cancel Order by Order ID

forceCancelOrderByOrderId(asset: Asset, marginAccountToCancel: PublicKey, orderId: BN, side: types.Side): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Forcefully cancels an order on another user’s account by order ID.


The forceCancelOrderByOrderId() method allows authorized users (such as liquidators or admins) to cancel a specific order on another user’s account. This function is typically used in risk management scenarios.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset of the order to cancel.
  • marginAccountToCancel

    • (PublicKey) Required.
    • The public key of the margin account containing the order to cancel.
  • orderId

    • (BN) Required.
    • The ID of the order to cancel.
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • The side of the order (BID or ASK).


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const marginAccountToCancel = new PublicKey("...");
const orderId = new BN("123456");
const txSignature = await crossClient.forceCancelOrderByOrderId(
console.log("Order forcefully cancelled. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Force Cancel Orders

forceCancelOrders(asset: Asset, marginAccountToCancel: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Forcefully cancels all orders on another user’s account for a specific asset.


The forceCancelOrders() method allows authorized users (such as liquidators or admins) to cancel all orders for a specific asset on another user’s account. This function is typically used in risk management scenarios.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset for which to cancel all orders.
  • marginAccountToCancel

    • (PublicKey) Required.
    • The public key of the margin account containing the orders to cancel.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
const marginAccountToCancel = new PublicKey("...");
const txSignature = await crossClient.forceCancelOrders(Asset.SOL, marginAccountToCancel);
console.log("All orders forcefully cancelled. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Utility Functions

Find Available Trigger Order Bit

findAvailableTriggerOrderBit(startIndex?: number): number

Finds the next available bit to store a trigger order.


The findAvailableTriggerOrderBit() method searches for the next available bit that can be used to store a trigger order. It starts searching from the provided start index or from 0 if no start index is provided.


  • startIndex
    • (number) Optional.
    • The index from which to start searching (0 to 127).
    • Default: 0


  • (number) The first available bit (0 to 127).


const availableBit = crossClient.findAvailableTriggerOrderBit();
console.log("Available trigger order bit:", availableBit);

Close (Cleanup)

close(): Promise<void>

Closes all WebSocket subscriptions and intervals.


The close() method should be called when you’re done using the CrossClient instance. It cleans up resources by closing WebSocket subscriptions and clearing any intervals.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves when the cleanup is complete.


await crossClient.close();
console.log("CrossClient closed and cleaned up.");

Referral and Community Functions

Initialize Referrer Account

initializeReferrerAccount(id: string): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Initializes a referrer account for the user.


The initializeReferrerAccount() method creates a referrer account for the user, allowing them to participate in referral programs.


  • id
    • (string) Required.
    • The referrer ID to use.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const referrerId = "MYREFID123";
const txSignature = await crossClient.initializeReferrerAccount(referrerId);
console.log("Referrer account initialized. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Remake Referrer Accounts

remakeReferrerAccounts(id: string): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Remakes the referrer accounts for the user with a new ID.


The remakeReferrerAccounts() method closes existing referrer accounts (if any) and creates new ones with the provided ID.


  • id
    • (string) Required.
    • The new referrer ID to use.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const newReferrerId = "NEWREFID456";
const txSignature = await crossClient.remakeReferrerAccounts(newReferrerId);
console.log("Referrer accounts remade. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Close Referrer Accounts

closeReferrerAccounts(): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Closes the user’s referrer accounts.


The closeReferrerAccounts() method closes all referrer accounts associated with the user.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


const txSignature = await crossClient.closeReferrerAccounts();
console.log("Referrer accounts closed. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Choose Airdrop Community

chooseAirdropCommunity(community: types.AirdropCommunity): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Selects an airdrop community for the user.


The chooseAirdropCommunity() method allows the user to select an airdrop community, which may affect their eligibility for certain airdrops or rewards.


  • community
    • (types.AirdropCommunity) Required.
    • The airdrop community to select.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.chooseAirdropCommunity(types.AirdropCommunity.JUP);
console.log("Airdrop community selected. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Advanced Operations

Edit Delegated Pubkey

editDelegatedPubkey(delegatedPubkey: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Edits the delegated public key for the cross-margin account.


The editDelegatedPubkey() method allows the user to change the delegated public key associated with their cross-margin account. This can be used to grant or revoke trading permissions to another public key.


  • delegatedPubkey
    • (PublicKey) Required.
    • The new delegated public key.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
const newDelegatedPubkey = new PublicKey("...");
const txSignature = await crossClient.editDelegatedPubkey(newDelegatedPubkey);
console.log("Delegated pubkey updated. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Migrate to Cross Margin Account

migrateToCrossMarginAccount(referrer?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionSignature[]>

Migrates the user’s existing margin accounts to a cross-margin account.


The migrateToCrossMarginAccount() method migrates the user’s existing individual margin accounts to a unified cross-margin account. This can potentially provide better capital efficiency.


  • referrer
    • (PublicKey) Optional.
    • The public key of the referrer for the new cross-margin account.
    • Default: undefined


  • (Promise<TransactionSignature[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
const referrerPubkey = new PublicKey("...");
const txSignatures = await crossClient.migrateToCrossMarginAccount(referrerPubkey);
console.log("Migration to cross-margin account complete. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Multi-Order Operations

Cancel Multiple Orders

cancelMultipleOrders(cancelArguments: types.CancelArgs[]): Promise<TransactionSignature[]>

Cancels multiple orders in a single transaction.


The cancelMultipleOrders() method allows you to cancel multiple orders across different assets in a single transaction.


  • cancelArguments
    • (types.CancelArgs[]) Required.
    • An array of cancel arguments, each specifying an order to cancel.


  • (Promise<TransactionSignature[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const cancelArgs: types.CancelArgs[] = [
asset: Asset.SOL,
market: new PublicKey("..."),
orderId: new BN("123456"),
cancelSide: types.Side.BID
asset: Asset.BTC,
market: new PublicKey("..."),
orderId: new BN("789012"),
cancelSide: types.Side.ASK
const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelMultipleOrders(cancelArgs);
console.log("Multiple orders cancelled. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Cancel Multiple Orders No Error

cancelMultipleOrdersNoError(cancelArguments: types.CancelArgs[]): Promise<TransactionSignature[]>

Cancels multiple orders in a single transaction, ignoring errors.


The cancelMultipleOrdersNoError() method is similar to cancelMultipleOrders(), but it continues to process cancellations even if some orders fail to cancel. This can be useful in situations where you want to ensure as many orders as possible are cancelled, even if some cancellations fail.


  • cancelArguments
    • (types.CancelArgs[]) Required.
    • An array of cancel arguments, each specifying an order to cancel.


  • (Promise<TransactionSignature[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const cancelArgs: types.CancelArgs[] = [
asset: Asset.SOL,
market: new PublicKey("..."),
orderId: new BN("123456"),
cancelSide: types.Side.BID
asset: Asset.BTC,
market: new PublicKey("..."),
orderId: new BN("789012"),
cancelSide: types.Side.ASK
const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelMultipleOrdersNoError(cancelArgs);
console.log("Multiple orders cancelled (ignoring errors). Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Market Operations

Cancel Market Orders

cancelMarketOrders(asset: Asset): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Cancels all market orders for a specific asset.


The cancelMarketOrders() method cancels all market orders for the specified asset.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset for which to cancel market orders.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.cancelMarketOrders(Asset.SOL);
console.log("All market orders for SOL cancelled. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Cancel All Market Orders

cancelAllMarketOrders(): Promise<TransactionSignature[]>

Cancels all market orders for all assets.


The cancelAllMarketOrders() method cancels all market orders across all assets.


  • (Promise<TransactionSignature[]>) A promise that resolves to an array of transaction signatures.


const txSignatures = await crossClient.cancelAllMarketOrders();
console.log("All market orders cancelled. Transaction signatures:", txSignatures);

Trigger Order Management

Edit Timestamp Trigger Order

orderIndex: number,
newOrderPrice: number,
newTriggerTime: anchor.BN,
newSize: number,
newSide: types.Side,
newOrderType: types.OrderType,
newOptions?: types.TriggerOrderOptions
): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Edits an existing timestamp trigger order.


The editTimestampTriggerOrder() method allows you to modify the parameters of an existing timestamp trigger order.


  • orderIndex

    • (number) Required.
    • The index of the trigger order to edit.
  • newOrderPrice

    • (number) Required.
    • The new order price (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • newTriggerTime

    • (anchor.BN) Required.
    • The new trigger timestamp.
  • newSize

    • (number) Required.
    • The new order size (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • newSide

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • The new order side (BID or ASK).
  • newOrderType

    • (types.OrderType) Required.
    • The new order type.
  • newOptions

    • (types.TriggerOrderOptions) Optional.
    • New trigger order options.
    • Default: types.defaultTriggerOrderOptions()


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const txSignature = await crossClient.editTimestampTriggerOrder(
0, // orderIndex
21000000, // newOrderPrice ($21)
new BN(Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600), // newTriggerTime (1 hour from now)
1000, // newSize (1 SOL)
console.log("Timestamp trigger order edited. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Edit Price Trigger Order

orderIndex: number,
newOrderPrice: number,
newTriggerPrice: number,
newSize: number,
newSide: types.Side,
newDirection: types.TriggerDirection,
newOrderType: types.OrderType,
newOptions?: types.TriggerOrderOptions
): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Edits an existing price trigger order.


The editPriceTriggerOrder() method allows you to modify the parameters of an existing price trigger order.


  • orderIndex

    • (number) Required.
    • The index of the trigger order to edit.
  • newOrderPrice

    • (number) Required.
    • The new order price (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • newTriggerPrice

    • (number) Required.
    • The new trigger price (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • newSize

    • (number) Required.
    • The new order size (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • newSide

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • The new order side (BID or ASK).
  • newDirection

    • (types.TriggerDirection) Required.
    • The new trigger direction.
  • newOrderType

    • (types.OrderType) Required.
    • The new order type.
  • newOptions

    • (types.TriggerOrderOptions) Optional.
    • New trigger order options.
    • Default: types.defaultTriggerOrderOptions()


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const txSignature = await crossClient.editPriceTriggerOrder(
0, // orderIndex
21000000, // newOrderPrice ($21)
20000000, // newTriggerPrice ($20)
1000, // newSize (1 SOL)
console.log("Price trigger order edited. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Take Trigger Order

orderIndex: number,
asset: Asset,
orderMarginAccount: PublicKey
): Promise<TransactionSignature>

Executes a trigger order.


The takeTriggerOrder() method allows you to manually execute a trigger order. This is typically used by keepers or in testing scenarios.


  • orderIndex

    • (number) Required.
    • The index of the trigger order to take.
  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset of the trigger order.
  • orderMarginAccount

    • (PublicKey) Required.
    • The public key of the margin account that owns the trigger order.


  • (Promise) A promise that resolves to the transaction signature.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
const orderMarginAccount = new PublicKey("...");
const txSignature = await crossClient.takeTriggerOrder(0, Asset.SOL, orderMarginAccount);
console.log("Trigger order taken. Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Instruction Creation (for Advanced Usage)

Create Cancel Order No Error Instruction

asset: Asset,
orderId: BN,
side: types.Side
): TransactionInstruction

Creates a cancel order instruction that doesn’t throw an error if the order doesn’t exist.


The createCancelOrderNoErrorInstruction() method creates a Solana transaction instruction to cancel an order without throwing an error if the order doesn’t exist. This is useful for creating more complex transactions.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset of the order to cancel.
  • orderId

    • (BN) Required.
    • The ID of the order to cancel.
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • The side of the order (BID or ASK).


  • (TransactionInstruction) A Solana transaction instruction.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
import { BN } from '@zetamarkets/anchor';
const cancelInstruction = crossClient.createCancelOrderNoErrorInstruction(
new BN("123456"),
// You can now add this instruction to a transaction

Create Cancel All Market Orders Instruction

createCancelAllMarketOrdersInstruction(asset: Asset): TransactionInstruction

Creates an instruction to cancel all market orders for a specific asset.


The createCancelAllMarketOrdersInstruction() method creates a Solana transaction instruction to cancel all market orders for a specific asset. This is useful for creating more complex transactions.


  • asset
    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset for which to cancel all market orders.


  • (TransactionInstruction) A Solana transaction instruction.


import { Asset } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const cancelAllInstruction = crossClient.createCancelAllMarketOrdersInstruction(Asset.SOL);
// You can now add this instruction to a transaction

Create Place Perp Order Instruction

asset: Asset,
price: number,
size: number,
side: types.Side,
options?: types.OrderOptions
): TransactionInstruction

Creates an instruction to place a perpetual order.


The createPlacePerpOrderInstruction() method creates a Solana transaction instruction to place a perpetual order. This is useful for creating more complex transactions.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset to trade.
  • price

    • (number) Required.
    • The order price (in native units, 6 decimal places).
  • size

    • (number) Required.
    • The order size (in native units, 3 decimal places).
  • side

    • (types.Side) Required.
    • The order side (BID or ASK).
  • options

    • (types.OrderOptions) Optional.
    • Order options.
    • Default: types.defaultOrderOptions()


  • (TransactionInstruction) A Solana transaction instruction.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const placeOrderInstruction = crossClient.createPlacePerpOrderInstruction(
20000000, // $20 price
1000, // 1 SOL size
// You can now add this instruction to a transaction

Create Place Multi Order Instruction

asset: Asset,
bids: types.PlaceMultiOrderArg[],
asks: types.PlaceMultiOrderArg[],
orderType: types.OrderType
): TransactionInstruction

Creates an instruction to place multiple orders for a specific asset.


The createPlaceMultiOrderInstruction() method creates a Solana transaction instruction to place multiple orders for a specific asset in a single instruction. This is useful for creating more complex transactions and for placing multiple orders efficiently.


  • asset

    • (Asset) Required.
    • The asset to trade.
  • bids

    • (types.PlaceMultiOrderArg[]) Required.
    • An array of bid order arguments.
  • asks

    • (types.PlaceMultiOrderArg[]) Required.
    • An array of ask order arguments.
  • orderType

    • (types.OrderType) Required.
    • The type of orders to place (must be POSTONLY, POSTONLYSLIDE, or POSTONLYFRONT).


  • (TransactionInstruction) A Solana transaction instruction.


import { Asset, types } from '@zetamarkets/sdk';
const bids: types.PlaceMultiOrderArg[] = [
{ price: 19000000, size: 1000, tifOptions: {} },
{ price: 18000000, size: 2000, tifOptions: {} }
const asks: types.PlaceMultiOrderArg[] = [
{ price: 21000000, size: 1000, tifOptions: {} },
{ price: 22000000, size: 2000, tifOptions: {} }
const placeMultiOrderInstruction = crossClient.createPlaceMultiOrderInstruction(
// You can now add this instruction to a transaction


This documentation covers the main functionalities of the CrossClient class in the Zeta Markets SDK. It provides detailed information on how to initialize the client, manage accounts, place and cancel orders, handle positions, and perform various other operations related to trading on the Zeta Markets protocol.

Remember to always check the latest version of the SDK for any updates or changes to the API. For more advanced usage and detailed information about the Zeta Markets protocol, please refer to the official Zeta Markets documentation and developer resources.

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